Too many cameras

The question of the day is… how many cameras is too many cameras?

This very conundrum has plagued photographers since the dawn of time [citation needed] but the consensus seems to vary wildly from person to person. For me, though, the magic number is 21—or at least that’s how many I own right now. And yet, despite that, I recently found myself mindlessly shopping for more.

A few mornings ago I was sitting on the couch savoring a cup of warm and tasty liquid beans and browsing on my phone. Twenty minutes later, the coffee was nearly gone, but there I was, aimlessly flipping between browser tabs, staring at full shopping carts on both B&H Photo and eBay.

Then it hit me. I was unconsciously buying cameras.

G.A.S. strikes again!

Now, I want to be clear- I hold no judgment toward anyone who enjoys buying stacks of cameras. I get it. I *really* do. However, the motive behind why this was significant for me is that I’m in the process of trying to de-clutter my life. And yet, there I was, ready to add more clutter.

So what’s the fix?

Let’s be honest—I’m not about to swear off buying cameras forever. But what I can do is create a little friction between me and my impulse purchases.

Here’s the plan: as of today, I have 33 rolls of film sitting in my drawer. My goal is to work through what I already have- using only the cameras I currently own and the film I’ve stockpiled. No new cameras. No new film. Not until this stash is completely used up.

Part of this challenge is also about purposefully appreciating what I already have. It’s so easy to get caught in the endless cycle of chasing the next shiny object. Case in point: I’ve bought multiple cameras with every intention of reviewing them, and yet… they’re still sitting on the shelf.

Behold! My budget.

What’s kind of exciting, though, is imagining how much my “fun money” stash will grow in the meantime. Just in time for a brand new Ricoh GR series film camera to be released. Maybe? –ahem– Ricoh, are you listening? Please?

So, yeah, that’s the plan. I get that this post might not be groundbreaking- no tips, tricks, or hacks today, but I figured, hey, maybe it’s relatable. I have a feeling I’m not the only one out here buying more cameras than I need.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Handmade prints and experimental films:

Amazon affiliate links:

Fuji Superia Color Film (35mm, 3 Rolls)
Tmax 400 Black and White Film (35mm, 2 Rolls)
Kodak F9 Point and Shoot 35mm Film Camera
Ilford Sprite 35mm Point and Shoot Film Camera

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